Friday, April 22, 2011

Sea Shepherd: how we sank the Japanese whaling fleet

This is an interesting article at teh Ecologist - an interview with Sea Shepherd's Paul Watson.

Sea Shepherd: how we sank the Japanese whaling fleet

In one sense you've got to laugh at the guy and his macho-ness. He went up against civilized people - Japanese and Canadians - who wouldn't shoot him out of the water without facing censure from the rest of the world.

I'd like to see him go up against the Somalian pirates. Let's see him talk big then!

(Frankly, I'd like to see somebody , anybody go up against the Somalian pirates. The fact that the US doesn't have an aircraft flying high overhead, shooting any and all Somalian ships out of the water the instant they leave land, is just ridiculous. Kill a couple of boatloads - that ends the piracy problem.)

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